Tuesday, June 4, 2013

God Created Man to be the Bread Winner and Other Antiquated Notions

Did God Create Men to be the "Bread Winner?"

 And other antiquated questions.

Women work!  Women work inside the home for no salary, no insurance, no retirement.  Women work outside the home to feed and shelter themselves and their children.  Many work at jobs that are fulfilling and enjoyable.  Many women work more than one job for minimum wage.  Let's be clear, these men are disturbed because women are working outside the home for a salary and other benefits, not that women are working.  It is difficult to control women who can pay their own way.  The "biblical" argument that God intended men to be the bread winners based on Genesis 3:17-19 is curious considering the occupations of these men.  They are not, after all eating from their personal toil raising food by the sweat of their faces.    

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